Over the next 21 days we will be blogging on the topic of what should I be doing in my business. As I have stated for years, so many small business owners work so hard in their business they never take a step backward and get a view from 10K feet and work on their business. They are busy doing things right, but are they doing the right things.
I think the first decision is the decision to set aside a given period of time, even if is only one hour a week and step away from your business and make a list of your biggest concerns and your biggest success. So many time we get overwhelmed by what is not working that we can't see what is working. Next we need to take action.
Once you know what is working, let your team in on what they are doing well and affirm them every time you see them doing something well. Words of affirmation and small trinkets of appreciations such as thank you notes, gift cards and promotional gifts can have a longer lasting effect on productivity and success than a pay raise. Give it a try. Look at what you are doing right and affirm your team for adding to the success of your organization.
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